Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2014)                   مواد پرانرژی 2014, 10(3): 41-53 | Back to browse issues page

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بررسی پارامترهای موثر بر کهولت پیشرانه‌‌های جامد مرکب بر پایه‌ی HTPB. مواد پرانرژی 2014; 10 (3) :41-53
URL: http://isaem.ir/article-1-787-en.html
Abstract:   (6549 Views)
HTPB based composite Solid propellants are the source of power for the propulsion of rockets and missiles. Since composite solid rocket propellants, used in rockets and missiles is the fastest degrading component of the complete system, shelf life of the system is mainly governed by the life of the propellants. During storage and transportation, the propellant grains are subjected to various conditions such as humidity, temperature, vibration, and shocks. This condition causes significant changes in mechanical properties of the propellant. In this paper the effects of parameters such as particle size of metallic fuel, grain shape, temperature, humidity and migration on the aging composite solid propellant was studied. The Investigations showed that the Nanoaluminum (nano vs micro) is very susceptible to ageing phenomena. The free standing grains have less aging than case-bonded grains. In general, the temperature, humidity, plasticizer migration and gaseous diffusion have negative effects on the chemical and physical properties of propellant.
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Type of Study: T | Subject: پیشرانه
Published: 2015/07/9

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