Volume 9, Issue 2 (12-2013)                   مواد پرانرژی 2013, 9(2): 61-70 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezaei M R, Saberi Moghaddam A, Sheykhi Narani M. مروری برسیستم های خنک کاری بازیابی و تابشی در محفظه های تراست مایع (علمی-ترویجی). مواد پرانرژی 2013; 9 (2) :61-70
URL: http://isaem.ir/article-1-319-en.html
, smr8186@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (9294 Views)
Thrust chamber cooling system is an important issue in liquid missile systems. In this paper, two more applicable systems, that is, regenerative and radiation cooling systems are studied. Regenerative cooling systems, which are mostly used in high pressure thrust chambers, are normally in two forms, tubular wall structure and double wall structure. Tubular structure has mostly a square form structure and is efficient in reducing the wall temperature. In double wall structures the two walls are connected to increase the mechanical reinforcement and heat transfer. Radiation cooling systems are usually used in small thrust chambers having short combustion duration. Thrust chambers with radiation cooling system are single-wall made of refractory materials such as rhenium, niobium, molybdenum, tungsten and etc. Different parts of one radiation cooled thrust chamber can be made of some refractory materials with different densities and thermal resistances to achieve minimum structure weight.
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Type of Study: T | Subject: طراحی و ساخت موشک
Published: 2013/12/10

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