Volume 9, Issue 1 (9-2013)                   مواد پرانرژی 2013, 9(1): 21-32 | Back to browse issues page

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Dehnavi M A, fathi N, semnani rahbar M. تعیین روش های مناسب جهت کاهش حساسیت دمایی در سوخت جامد مرکب بر پایه HTPB(علمی- ترویجی). مواد پرانرژی 2013; 9 (1) :21-32
URL: http://isaem.ir/article-1-352-en.html
Abstract:   (14390 Views)
The aims of this paper are review the effects of Propellant Formulation parameters and improving an understanding of mechanisms of burn rate temperature sensitivity. The initial temperature of a solid propellant influences the burn rate, pressure and thrust of the propulsion system. The temperature sensitivity, σp of solid propellant burn rate directly affects the accuracy and performance of the rocket motor and thus low values of temperature sensitivity are essential in order to reduce the cost of the Missile/Armament systems and desirable performance. In this study, summary of fundamental mechanisms of solid propellants burn Rate temperature sensitivity are considered. The effects of propellant formulation variables on σp experimental data are considered. The experimental effects studied include: pressure, temperature, type of binder, aluminum content and size, AP content and particle size width distribution and additives including ferrocenes, carboranes, BEFP, copper chromite and iron oxide. For non-aluminized AP/inert binder propellants, σp is reduced when the AP size distribution is narrowed. Iron containing burn rate modifiers such as iron oxide, ferrocenes and BEFP are effective in lowering σp.
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Type of Study: T | Subject: پیشرانه
Published: 2013/09/7

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